Amazon, Ecuador
+550 km
View of Antisana natural reserve. 100×125 cm
Piedra sagrada (holy stone) is located at the top of a mountain. Travellers lifting the stone seek for forgiveness for their sins, following an extremely hard-going ascent up the path amidst the forest. C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 80×110 cm
The construction process was sensitive to the archeological areas surrounding the pipeline. (Operations to recover archeological areas have been well planned and some valuable objects have been unearthed). C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 120×150cm
Shaman of the San Virgilio community with his horse.
View of the amazon forest. C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 120×150cm, Ed 2/5
Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe is a twin-engine heavy –lift helicopter designed by Sikorsky Aircraft for the United States Army. The payload of this helicopter is 20.000 lb. (9,000 Kg), making it possible to transport all the materials necessary to build the pipeline.
The Antisana reserve is part of the Cordillera de los Guacamayos mountain chain. Towards El Oriente [the Oriente is a region of eastern Ecuador comprising the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes and the lowland areas of rainforest in the Amazon basin] and bordering the Antisana reserve is the Sumaco reserve. The Sumaco reserve has a volcano (the Sumaco) from which the Antisana reserve can be observed. Inside the reserve, the rich biodiversity created as a result of the climate is of great value. Triptych, C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 80×100cm each
Flow line of the pipeline crossing Ecuadorian Amazon Forest, between Villano A and B platforms. C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 120×150cm
Flow line, native worked inspecting the pipeline. C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 120×150cm
Paparawa, a family composed by the merge of the Quechan (bride) and Shuar (groom) communities. 120×150 cm
A stretch of the pipeline (km108) near the guacamayos mountain chain. It is the highest point of the pipeline at 2,440 a.s.l. Triptych, C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 80×100cm each
Atakapi, a family. 80×100 cm
Atakapi, a classroom. 80×100 cm
Atakapi, a classroom. 80×100 cm
Native family. 80×100 cm
Native community. 80×100 cm each
Mud shower, typical of native Amazon communities. Medicine properties are attributed to clays used by natives in these showers following the recommendation of the shaman. C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 120×150cm
Invisible Pipeline is a trip to Ecuador, on the trail of an invisible pipeline that is an unseen yet vital presence in a vast area of the Amazon rainforest.
Photography here acts as a means of investigation. It chronicles the work of men and the energy of a nature that still seems to resist contamination.
Tracing a course back to the sources of energy that nourish the world in its turbulent and not always logical development, I am interested in the distance between those who create and draw from this energy and the places it flows through.
Amazon, Ecuador
+550 km
View of Antisana natural reserve. 100×125 cm
Piedra sagrada (holy stone) is located at the top of a mountain. Travellers lifting the stone seek for forgiveness for their sins, following an extremely hard-going ascent up the path amidst the forest. C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 80×110 cm
The construction process was sensitive to the archeological areas surrounding the pipeline. (Operations to recover archeological areas have been well planned and some valuable objects have been unearthed). C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 120×150cm
Shaman of the San Virgilio community with his horse.
View of the amazon forest. C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 120×150cm, Ed 2/5
Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe is a twin-engine heavy –lift helicopter designed by Sikorsky Aircraft for the United States Army. The payload of this helicopter is 20.000 lb. (9,000 Kg), making it possible to transport all the materials necessary to build the pipeline.
The Antisana reserve is part of the Cordillera de los Guacamayos mountain chain. Towards El Oriente [the Oriente is a region of eastern Ecuador comprising the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes and the lowland areas of rainforest in the Amazon basin] and bordering the Antisana reserve is the Sumaco reserve. The Sumaco reserve has a volcano (the Sumaco) from which the Antisana reserve can be observed. Inside the reserve, the rich biodiversity created as a result of the climate is of great value. Triptych, C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 80×100cm each
Flow line of the pipeline crossing Ecuadorian Amazon Forest, between Villano A and B platforms. C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 120×150cm
Flow line, native worked inspecting the pipeline. C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 120×150cm
Paparawa, a family composed by the merge of the Quechan (bride) and Shuar (groom) communities. 120×150 cm
A stretch of the pipeline (km108) near the guacamayos mountain chain. It is the highest point of the pipeline at 2,440 a.s.l. Triptych, C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 80×100cm each
Atakapi, a family. 80×100 cm
Atakapi, a classroom. 80×100 cm
Atakapi, a classroom. 80×100 cm
Native family. 80×100 cm
Native community. 80×100 cm each
Mud shower, typical of native Amazon communities. Medicine properties are attributed to clays used by natives in these showers following the recommendation of the shaman. C-print mounted on D-Bond and framed in wood box, 120×150cm
Invisible Pipeline is a trip to Ecuador, on the trail of an invisible pipeline that is an unseen yet vital presence in a vast area of the Amazon rainforest.
Photography here acts as a means of investigation. It chronicles the work of men and the energy of a nature that still seems to resist contamination.
Tracing a course back to the sources of energy that nourish the world in its turbulent and not always logical development, I am interested in the distance between those who create and draw from this energy and the places it flows through.